How to join the custom room in pubg mobile.
Advanced custom room pubg mobile.
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Check out this pubg mobile guide on how to create your own custom room via room card how to obtain room card how to join custom room and more.
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How to create join custom room in pubg mobile lite custom room pubg mobile lite.
However on selecting create room it shows that you are unauthorized to create room.
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The organizer or the creator of the custom room in pubg mobile will also provide you the room password along with room id.
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Pubg mobile advanced custom room raman chopra.
A room password can be anything from as simple as 123456 or as complex as fg45 e.
In rawknee s advanced custom rooms it s 50 vs 50.
First you can buy an advanced room card in pubg using 600 uc points and second is that you need to level up your rp and rank.
Which side will win.
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Hi guys today we will talk about how to create custom room pubg mobile and why you are not authorized to create custom room pubg mobile so a lot of players are curious to create custom room in pubg mobile and play with their friends.
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Tips and tricks.